Sunday, January 11, 2015

Another sketch from the skatepark

Another quick chance at sketching, this time at Upper Hutt skatepark while my kids biked and scootered there. I didn't get to finish the sketch though.

These huge Australian gums have a massive reach, heaps of branches, and I found it pretty hard to draw, while trying to capture the 3Dness of it. I'm sure I'll be off to the skatepark again soon and will have plenty of chances to practise sketching Mr Tree. 

Sitting at the table after dinner, wanting to sketch but lacking inspiration, So I sketched someone else's sketch: one of the sketches from Gwen Diehn's book Real Life Journals. These two are done with the Uniball micron pen.

Finally, a quick sketch after dessert.

 Gratuitous photo of the landscape, somewhere between Mt Cook and Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand. Photo: Jonas

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