Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stamped stationery

I´ve been considering teaching a demonstration class in linocutting and hand-carved stamps at the local library. [This didn´t come to pass as I´ve been too busy.] I´ve used or given away alot of the things I´ve printed already, so I bought some sepia block printing ink and printed a few sample pages, cards, and envelopes. They turned out really well. Block printing ink is a lot thicker than the fabric ink I´ve been used to. As you´d expect, it prints a lot better on paper and it´s easier to apply the tiny amounts required for paper.


Ivonne said...

Those are very pretty! Which material do you use for your hand carved stamps? I tried my hands with rubber, but it´s so crumbly..

SewChicken said...

Actually, I´ve never tried rubber, but I have heard that it is crumbly too. I use grey lino sheets and wood engraving tools bought from an art store. They seem to work OK, but I haven´t mounted the stamps onto wood yet. The lino is harder to work than rubber, but is still OK. It can hep if you heat it very gently and slightly before working the lino - makes it a bit softer! Good luck! Love to see your stamps too - do you have a webpage? Cheers

Ivonne said...

Aw, thank you! I´ve never worked with lino before, but I might try this.
I do have a website (, but don´t have a blog at the moment. I blogged several years ago, but then my friends stopped bloggin, and so I lost interest, too!